Ingredients :

Chicken & celery salad:°340 g (2 cups) cook chicken°2 celery stalk, chop°4 green onions, chopped°90 ml (6 t.) mayonnaise°30 ml (2 t.) lemon juice°100 g (3 1/2 oz) crumbled feta cheese (optional)Sandwiches:°1 baguette, cutting in half horizontally°40 g (1 1/2 c) baby spinach°10 g (1/4 c) celery leaves°15 ml (1 t.) olive oil°4 long sandwich

Préparations :

In a bowl, mixing all ingredients. Salt also pepper.SandwichesTop bread base with salad chicken. Spreading spinach, celery leaves and drizzle with oil. Closing with the bread. Prick with four toothpicks and cut into 4 section.ENJOY!

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